


在該網站的多媒體展館裡,有許多創新價值推廣影片,也有很多國際名人代言的片段,在本篇文章要和大家分享的是「創新價值推廣影片的MIT篇」,也就是之前網路流傳的那則形象廣告的完整版(之前只有3分13秒,現在有6分42秒,足足長了一倍),除了有微軟總裁比爾蓋茲(Bill Gates)的推薦之外,還有前美國惠普(HP)董事長暨總執行長卡莉‧菲奧莉娜(Carly Fiorina)也現身力挺。


這次還是要徵求英語聽力高手幫忙寫出英文字幕(從3分13秒,就是YOU NAME IT, WE'LL MAKE IT.之後開始即可),我會想辦法儘快翻譯成中文貼出,這樣可以讓大家更快更深入的了解影片內容,多謝多謝。

之前本網誌的相關討論及網友回應,請見我們的驕傲-Made In Taiwan!



Products made in Taiwan can be found everywhere. They touch people's life everyday. That's because Taiwan is a leader in so many industries, technology, consumer products,machinery, auto parts, biochemistry, agriculture, and horticulture.

Today innovated Taiwan has become the world's No.1 supplier in LCD monitors, PC cameras, and DVD discs. Two thirds of the world's notebooks come from Taiwan. Today, 90% of the globe's wireless LANs are made in Taiwan.

Taiwan's bicycle manufacturers are also at the forefront. At the Athens Olympics, Giant led the way with three medals. Taiwan has an abundance of global brands such as Trend Micro, ASUS, Acer, Giant, BENQ, and D-Link, and in 2004 the world economic forum rated Taiwan as the 4th most growth competitive nation. So partnering with Taiwan means you can be sure you get nothing but the very best.

Bill Gates: "Each time I visited Taiwan, I am impressed with the innovated work that has been done here. There is no doubt Taiwan's IT industry contributes a great deal in making the PC more attractive and more affordable."

The reason why Taiwan has become the leader in so many fields is because its unyielding commitment to innovation. In terms of having application, Taiwan ranks 4th in the world. Research and development are the life blood of innovation. With 90 R&D centers, you can understand why Taiwan is called silicon island. Taiwan's manufacturers are probably the most flexible in the world. They live by the philosophy of YOU NAME IT, WE'LL MAKE IT.

Entrepreneur can tailor manufacturing needs, no matter how you need the products. In the IT industry, about 95% of companies are small to medium size, so they react immediately to market needs. Thanks to its flexibility of adapting to demand. TSMC is the world’s largest dedicated semi-conductor foundry. The island’s world leading technology is also well known as being easily affordable. Taiwan calls it the democracy of technology, great products in the hands of everyone.

Carly Fiorina: " The people that we work with here in Taiwan are simply world class in every sense of the term. They are world class in terms of their research and development capabilities. They are world class in term of their manufacturing capability. They are super competitive and focused on serving customers exceptionally well. "

Taiwan’s External Trade Development Council has helped bring Taiwanese design to the world stage. Each year, it awards the best of Taiwan’s products with the prestigious symbol of excellence, an accolade now recognized in over 90 countries. The symbol of excellence means you can be sure of a product’s market potential because it represents innovation, quality and the latest design.

Taiwan’s products today are constantly in the news receiving recognition from international media as well as winning smiles; winning awards and winning in sales. Made in Taiwan means beautiful inside; beautiful outside. Taiwan also offers the service and infrastructure to make it easy to do business. The island has a strong network through its successful history of manufacturing to every part of the globe.

Each year, the world’s buyers also flock to Taiwan. The latest trends can be found at the many trade shows. Computex, for example, is now the world’s second largest technology trade show. For a long time, innovative Taiwan has been the leader in OEM. Now it’s has the added value of having strong global brands like BENQ, a sponsor of EURO 2004.

Buyers know that Taiwanese understand both the buyer and the end consumer, so they can always be sure of nothing other than world class quality. After all, "Made In Taiwan" means made to be enjoyed the world over.

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